Daily archives: October 19, 2002

I’m on a break from writing, so it’s time for another quick look at my hits logger.
Searches that found me (I figure if I repeat them I might get people coming back.)-
sultan of brunei’s car collection
quotes October Beerfest
seasons change mov.
nerf toys unidentified flying
Earthquake Dudley [The Dudley earthquake has done more than anything else to help my traffic! And, whilst I would normally use this space to mention Britney Spears (naked or otherwise), Google says that post is only really popular in Canada these days. If I want to get Brits I should mention Nell McAndrews (who?))
dudley earthquake (times 6, see above)
Nucular (and mis-spellings are popular too!)
publishing houses uk
naked revenge pixtures
naked GTA 3 skins
GTA 3 problem load
Bay Blades extreme uk

Sites that bounced to me-
digitalmoi, shady lane, God’s Own Country, photojunkie, yadda yadda yadda, Alex blog, mad musings of me, Taraland, uigui