
I am now under orders to put Out Of Fashion And A Trifle Uncool/ Ten Years Asleep into pdf format and post it to the site and start work on my vaguely biographical ‘This is what I blogged and this is what really happened’ novel Post & Publish, which I’ve been thinking about for a while now.

The idea is to have the narrator blogging his life away in the countdown to a significant date (say, for example, his third of a century party) commenting on his life and the things going on around him. Obviously, what he says in the posts won’t have the full texture of the reality, and there are going to be some bits that he leaves out, so the self censorship and editing, as well as the narrative, give an insight into his character. Politics and silly links will be left out, of course, unless they relate directly to the tale.

Gotta go now, must start writing.