
I put the NavBar on Spinneyhead on Friday. The internal search- ie look for stuff on Spinneyhead- doesn’t work because it’s sending the wrong parameter to Google. I’ve logged the problem with the help desk and the bar is staying depite the problem.

In the meantime, there’s a Next Blog button. I’m going to see what the first ten blogs are if I use it.

1. Mad M2000– retired underground Kuwaiti cartoonist.

2. Gaslighting– “Documenting the course of a gaslighting process. We shall call the victim “Cow” and refer to it as “It”. Cow needs some humbling experiences, for Cow is hated amongst the herd. And I, Gaslighter_38, have nothing to lose. So, let us begin the mental torment of Cow…….”

3. Carey Teens– “A blog for those youths who have tasted the balmy nectar that is the Carey Family Conference, held at Cloverley Hall in Shropshire”

4. Toothdigger’s Comeback– “first description of this blog stated that i was trying to recreate a wonderful (yes, it was…) website regarding the collecting of fossilized remains here in the low country of so. carolina, but after starting the blog, i found the blog turned into blog… about oddly enough, the political scene here before the u.s. national elections in november…and my blog is about many other aspects of my life, and of anyone’s life, i imagine in that we are all somewhat alike…”

5. Overheard in Starbucks

6. Pululu (Liberdades de um Kota Lobitango)– “————————————- Pululu (do umbumdu) = transparente, di�fano ———————————– Um local de opini�es abertas, eminentemente africanas – mas n�o �nicas – onde a cultura, a pol�tica, a opini�o, t�m um lugar de acolhimento. N�o contem com a intriga, pela intriga, mas uma boa pitadinha… nunca fica mal a ningu�m. O dono deste blogue n�o � an�nimo; usa � um pseud�nimo (de E.L.C.Almeida).”

7. Zeyad’s moblog– “This is my personal mobile blog site. I use PicoBlogger software to post from my mobile phone.”

8. The Sports Grinder– “Grinding out ill-informed views on sports, handicapping, politics, and whatever else I find interesting”

9. Individualism & the long view– “Commonplace book of ideas, thoughts and opinions mostly pulled from surfing the net.”

10. Pu�aladas en 35 mm.– “Peque�as divagaciones y desvar�os varios sobre el tema del cine y la televisi�n vistos desde los ojos de un polluelo estudiante de comunicaci�n de 19 a�os de Valladolid, Espa�a. <> “El problema de ser sincero con la gente es que puede que te correspondan”.”

And if I started again, it would be a different ten.

Some observations- Am I the only person using the NavBar who isn’t on blogspot? The proportion of non-English language blogs is normally higher than this sampling. Indee, I clicked on a few more times and the first four hits were in different languages.