jesus loves you more than i do

jesus loves you more than i do
jesus loves you more than i do,
originally uploaded by spinneyhead.

Went to see war of the worlds last night and it was far better than i expected. I should have had more faith, really, because this was spielberg after all. The Terminal was a bit poor, but most of his other output has been solid. He even got the scientology dwarf to do stuff that looked a lot like real acting.

A recent post on world changing pointed out that the original novel was an attack on imperialism. No matter how watered down the message gets that makes this, rather than RoTS the big anti iraq war/bush movie of the year. The message is still there if you look- one character opines that occupations never work and cruise’s character tries at first to keep his son from joining the resistance and finally, when all hope seems lost, makes the desperate decision to become a suicide bomber. (he lives, of course, because he’s the hero)

there are failings, such as the feel good resurrection at the end, but overall very good.

Only one thought on what’s happened in london- when tony tells up it could have been prevented by identity cards it’ll just be final proof that he’s lying manipulative scum.

Update Title lifted from Donation, by The Wonderstuff, off the Never Loved Elvis album.

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