In just 61 days…..

Over at ProBlogger Darren’s announced that August is to be 31 days to building a Better Blog. I’ll be following some of his advice and trying out a few ideas of my own.

I have a slightly different target- to make at least £100 between now and the end of September. It’s not that big an aim and I am utilising a lot of money making strands. I’ll probably be reviewing a load of DVDs and pointing you to them on Amazon, not to forget telling you that you should click through from here every time you want to buy something (go on, you know you want to, it’s not going to cost you any more). Then there are the various affiliate schemes I’m in, they’re going to be moved around and made more prominent. You could subscribe to Deputised Experts, it’s only a dollar a month and you know that every little helps.

There’s also at least one new niche blog, though the theme’s going to be a little off the wall and I can’t wait to see what sorts of ads Google serves to it.

All these plans hold until I get another job, at which point posting will drop to about a quarter of the current amount and the bets will be off. Moving house and being away from broadband until BT sort it out is probably going to be a problem as well……

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