Daily archives: July 28, 2006

Heavensent 8.7

Gim had been testing the door and frame, trying to find weak points by judging tiny variations in flex. He stopped, closed his eyes and cocked his head. “It’s very busy out there. Time to go.”

“You’re certain?” Sheel was straightening her arm and making a fist. Her right elbow locked as she paced back and forth before the door.

“Activity peaked and is starting to settle down again. Though it’s still very busy and they probably won’t notice us.” Gim pointed to the exact point he wanted Sheel to fire at, which would hopefully destroy the door’s lock.

“And we’ll be able to find our way out of here?”

“I memorised every step of the way from the moment we came aboard. And I have data on these old propeller planes, so I’ll be able to fly one. Probably.”

“Okay. We go.” Sheel raised her locked arm. Gim wisely removed his finger and stepped back.

Sheel rocked back on her feet and there was the crack of a small sonic boom. The flat-headed projectile expanded so fast it vapourised, taking most of the lock mechanism with it. The door swung open.

“Ladies first.” Gim offered.

“You’re only saying that because I’ve got the gun.”

Heavensent 8.8
Heavensent 8.6
Heavensent 1.1

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