About bot-crossing

Andy died in May of 2007, leaving behind a huge collection of Transformers and GI Joes. Rather than throwing them all away we felt they should be used in as constructive a way as possible.

So bot-crossing was born. Taking inspiration from bookcrossing.com we will be setting toys loose and seeing what happens to them.

If you have found one of the toys use the index in the sidebar to find out more about it. If you would like to release a toy of your own get in touch and we will send you information.

To find out more about Andy read the obituaries on Spinneyhead and UK-Rag. To make a donation please go to the justgiving page set up to remember him.

0 thoughts on “About bot-crossing

  • Carlton

    Just added a post about this on my site – dottiddydot.com. It sounds like a great idea and a marvellous way to remember a friend.