Sketches – Frightened to Death by Fairies

Fairies, originally uploaded by spinneyhead.

I have a terrible addiction to collecting note and sketch books. It wasn’t so bad when I could get them from the stationery cupboard at work, but nowadays I have to buy the bloody things. My most recent hit is a Derwent sketch pad, a moleskine by any other name. I never seem to fill any of my dozens of books, either.

So I’ve started uploading some of my sketches to Flickr, so you can see what I do with my acquisitions.

This was an idea for a Frightened to Death by Fairies image. It was going to be “Died after drinking Mrs. Lamplugh’s cordial.”

Yes, the fairy is peeing into the bottle. I’m not sure whether to go with this version or simply have her tipping poison into it.

More sketches can be found in my Art set at Flickr.