Daily archives: August 29, 2008

Tweets today

22:26 Blog: Tweets today tinyurl.com/5lljue #

23:54 2 Wheels Good: Victoria Pendleton wants safer roads tinyurl.com/5hacu4 #

14:45 It’s warmer than it looks. I’m as sweaty as I appear. #

16:10 Boon Army! Boon Army! Boon Army! Boon Army! Boon Army! Boon Army! Boon Army! #

18:27 Blog: Critical Mass, August 2008 tinyurl.com/5t5usd #

19:19 I keep abandoning Critical Mass to meet people in the pub. Next time I’m riding it to the end. #

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Critical Mass, August 2008

Critical Mass, August 2008, originally uploaded by spinneyhead.

Quite a good turn out. I expect there’ll be even more before we set off.