Daily archives: September 8, 2008

Electromagnetic pulse bullets

I’m scripting a sci-fi phone comic and thought it would be nioce to give the characters bullets that generated a small localised electromagnetic pulse, so they could more effectively fight kill crazy robots without messing with their own cyborg enhancements. Such things don’t exist, but I’m sure a miniature flux compression generator bomb could be made some day.

Tweets today

22:32 Blog: The McCain Wreck is secretly funding Obama tinyurl.com/57jdlw #

22:32 Blog: Viva La Republic! tinyurl.com/6rl3eq #

22:32 Blog: Tweets today tinyurl.com/6lteo3 #

10:31 Blog: 38 Line Poem tinyurl.com/6bquyn #

17:51 Providing the large hadron collider doesn’t open a black hole, wednesday’s film is Bangkok Dangerous @ amc @ 7.20 #

18:33 Blog: Watching the McCain Wreck a bit more closely tinyurl.com/6ygdm7 #

18:33 Blog: Palin for President! tinyurl.com/5uvn53 #

19:35 Blog: Mills and Bonk coming soon tinyurl.com/5wqmdv #

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Watching the McCain Wreck a bit more closely

Because I’m a masochist, and I don’t have enough ways to waste time already, I’ve subscribed to a few US political blogs. At least until November.

Daily Kos– premier liberal blog.

Michelle Malkin– right wing loon.

Talking Points Memo– liberal blog with occasional investigative stuff.

Little Green Footballs– last time I visited this place it was full of racist idiots. Maybe it’s better now. But I doubt it.

Think Progress

That should do it, but I’ll probably dip into one or two more. It should be fairly obvious to you which way I’m biased here. The last thing the world needs, let alone the USA, is another four years of essentially the same idiots trying to destroy the planet so they can bring about the Rapture, or whatever their secret plan is. If you are an American who has happened across Spinneyhead and only take one thing away from my humble blog please let it be that you really need to vote for Obama.

38 Line Poem

When I lay night,

you know I feel alright,

and there’s a reason why.

And my reasons why,

I feel so high,

I’ve got the flying five.

And no I wouldn’t sing,

just to gather hoards,

that would only bore.

My reasons why

I’m with the flying five,

they’re worth so much more.

And no they didn’t come,

just to sing you pop,

or to join the rot.

You know they didn’t come

to hear the words

“Forget Me Not”,

‘cos they’re just like everybody else.

38 Line Poem – Wonder Stuff