This is why Barack Obama got elected 1

Or one of the reasons, anyway. People like this were against him

Congratulations, moonbats. You finally have your revenge for being forced to look at all those flags after 9/11. This is a day of celebration for everyone hostile to America and the principles of individual liberty for which it stands. Enjoy it while you can.

There are people lowdown enough to know in advance who and what was elected yesterday, and to have voted for the Moonbat Messiah anyway. What they have done to this country is beyond forgiveness.

But an ultra-radical leftist like Obama could not be elected in a center-right country, or even a center-left country, without a great deal of deception. Thanks to a radicalized liberal media willing to sacrifice its own long-term credibility to put a leftist in power, Obama was never publicly vetted. Moderates did not vote for a real person, but for a two-dimensional phantom temporarily conjured into being by hype.

The opposition made the swindle easy to pull off. After eight years of a lousy incumbent, it presented a still lousier replacement, an inarticulate, uninspiring centrist universally reviled by the conservative base. Now the Republican Party knows it must either purge itself of RINO mediocrities like Bush and McCain or go the way of the Whigs.

Bush’s subpar performance will soon fade from memory, as Obama’s malignant collectivist ideology and lack of qualifications become impossible for the media to hide. One way or another, the full extent of his radical past and associations will become public knowledge. As promised by Plugs Biden, Obama will be tested, and he isn’t likely to pass.

We’ve had awful leaders before. New York’s atrocious affirmative action mayor, David Dinkins, gave way to Rudy Giuliani. Jimmy Carter gave way to the only great president of our lifetimes, Ronald Reagan. America will turn toward greatness again, once it realizes it has been tricked into temporarily embracing disgrace and decline.

Can you say bad loser? And then laugh at the poor pathetic fool as he rages against a sane electorate.

I shall probably now unsubscribe from the right wing blogs, at least until I feel nasty enough to laugh at stupid people again.

One thought on “This is why Barack Obama got elected

  • Tim (Kalyr)

    Oh God. The Stop the ALCU crowd.

    I used to contribute to until it got invaded by these nutjobs. They’re not a bunch of idiots who’ve swallowed McPalin’s campaign propaganda; they’ve been around for years.

    They’re are indeed a bunch of fringe extremists – their agenda and ideology is to turn the US into a totalitarian religious dictatorship.

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