Tweets today

23:53 Blog: The guns of Piccadilly #

23:53 Blog: Just can’t be chained to a life where nothing’s gained #

23:53 Blog: Tweets today #

11:38 Watching Damian test assemble my tent. Surprisingly little farce so far. #

11:43 Farce attained. But he’ll have my eye out if he’s not careful. #

11:43 Blog: Imagine how much faster you could plant potatoes with a potato gatling gun #

11:47 Luckily he’ll be sharing the tent with a civil engineer who’ll be able to sort everything out. #

21:41 The highway’s filled with heroes on a last chance power drive. #

21:47 Boken heroes #

21:48 Broken! Bloody TwitterFox! #

21:50 Bokken are wooden practice swords. Bokken Heroes could potentially be an awesome martial arts film. #

22:04 Why does Ebay get so offended when you try to leave Neutral feedback? I could understand it for negative, but not neutral. #

22:32 Ooohhh Nunchaku #

22:36 Or perhaps Jo I always thought it was spelt Djo. A certain ex girlfriend had one. Miss it more than her. #

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