Daily Blog 12/12/2012

  • John Cohen, of Despicable Me success, has been hired as the producer on the upcoming Angry Birds movie, which will hit cinemas during the summer of 2016. Former Marvel Studios chairman David Maisel is also on board as executive producer.

    tags: movie AbgryBirds

  • Dear Motorists,

    We’ve had enough.

    We’ve had enough of you not giving us enough room on the road. We’ve had enough of you ignoring our cycle lanes (rule 140 of the Highway Code). We’ve had enough of you stopping in our advance boxes (rule 178 of the Highway Code). We’ve had enough of you being impatient behind us just because you didn’t get up early enough, only for us to catch you at the next set of traffic lights anyway. We’ve had enough of you overtaking us and then turning left straight in front of us (rule 183 of the Highway Code). We’ve had enough of you overtaking and then cutting right in the curb just so we can’t pass you. We’ve had enough of you being on your mobile phones. We’ve had enough of you beeping your horn at us. We’ve had enough of you pulling out at junctions and roundabouts without looking. We’ve had enough of you bullying your way past us in rush hour traffic. We’ve had enough of you making our journey dangerous when it shouldn’t need to be.

    tags: roadsafety cycling

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.