Guest blogger

Guest blog: Cole Drewes

Hounds of Heaven coverMy path of being an indie author…it isn’t as lonely as you think!

So most of you have probably been reading about the buzz of self-publishing within the last couple of years. Authors like Joe Konrath, Zoe Winter’s, and Amanda Hocking are some of the author’s I’ve kept an eye on because of two reasons. The three above with countless other authors have broken the mold of self-publishing authors (indie authors). The above authors have sold the same amount or more books than most traditional published authors and they are doing it without the backing of a large publishing company.

I wrote Hounds of Heaven two years ago. One year was spent writing and the next year editing. All of this was done while I was working a full time job, being a full time husband and a new father! I still find time to edit my novel here and there before I release it on Amazon in March! I’m excited and extremely nervous as the release of my first novel approaches! Will people hate it or will they love it? I’ve tried to edit as much as I can but I wasn’t born to edit!

Now what I find interesting is how many are quick to bash the bad novels coming out of the new self-publishing revolution. I’ll agree that many people are publishing their novels simply thinking that they’ve written something of pure genius. Why edit my novel? Why spend time on the cover or market my novel? I shouldn’t have to do any of that because my novel is that amazing! It’s this group that gives the haters ammunition against self-publishing authors.

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I’ve recently started a project through Kickstarter which is a donation website for indie projects. On the site you’ll find artists looking to fund their movie, music, or writing projects. My goal is $500 but I didn’t really start the project for the money. I saw it as a way to advertise my novel and give away some really cool gifts that won’t be available anywhere else! My kickstarter project is below:

Note This is the post Cole wrote for me as part of a blog tour. I have a post at his blog all about why I haven’t been writing as much as I should so far this year.