Daily archives: May 30, 2003

That's not what I meant…….

The ever changing views of the US leadership on Iraqi WMDs. How much longer do they expect people to keep falling for this stuff?

We know where they are. They’re in the area around Tikrit and Baghdad and east, west, south and north somewhat.

Donald Rumsfeld

ABC Interview

March 30, 2003

They may have had time to destroy them, and I don’t know the answer.

Donald Rumsfeld

Remarks to Council on Foreign Relations

May 27, 2003

via The Sesquipadelian

Green Fairy

Bar Centro was offering something they called a Mad Cow, a mix of Red Bull and Absinthe which just sounds disgusting. I’ve only had the green stuff the once, I don’t think I hallucinated, but I still consider this sacrilege. Courage brewers, meanwhile, are being a bit more traditional, offering a shot and chaser combo of Absinthe and lager at �5 a go for clubbers.

27.0217% – Total Geek

I’m quite impressed by my results on the inner geek test. I only expected to have Geekish Tendencies. Of course, the rest of Team Spinneyhead will probably outstrip me by massive amounts.

via The Sesquipadelian, who also links to the ever changing views of the US leadership on Iraqi WMDs.

We know where they are. They’re in the area around Tikrit and Baghdad and east, west, south and north somewhat.

Donald Rumsfeld

ABC Interview

March 30, 2003

They may have had time to destroy them, and I don’t know the answer.

Donald Rumsfeld

Remarks to Council on Foreign Relations

May 27, 2003


I’m not having a good day. The illness and luminous yellow vomit are my own fault for drinking on an empty stomach last night, and I think I may have lost my camera. But most annoying is the something on my mail server that refuses to download and brings Outlook and everything else to a grinding halt in the process. I used to be able to read my mail online, but since my provider went over to a different server control panel that’s been impossible.
Angry and icky. Not good.