
Sponge sounds interesting, and, importantly, is UK based. I don’t have a lot of time to digest the site right now, so here’s the group’s own description of itself-

Sponge is a network of open-minded individuals who share a particular interest in sustainable development. These individuals generally work in, or are associated with the development of our built environment; from bricks and mortar through design, engineering and planning to communities and regeneration.

Sponge provides a focus for fresh ideas in building; demonstrating how sustainable development can improve the quality of our built and natural environment.

Sponge works with existing groups who also have an interest in sustainability and individuals who wish to be kept informed. The group is aimed at young professionals and participation is open and encouraged to all.

Sponge was launched in 1999 and continues to grow at a healthy and sustainable rate….!

via Treehugger

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