The printworks is having an art show on the twelfth and thirteenth of november. Closing date for submissions is the fifth. or
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We all see cars and buses run red lights every day, but you never see clarkson writing about how he’ll smash someone’s windscreen next time he sees it happen. This morning’s stand out example of nobbery was the jag driver who wasn’t satisfied to merely be compensating, but had to endanger me by going straight on from the right turn only lane.
Donations welcomed, make cheques out to cash.
Picture from the craft centre, taken during saturday’s wander.
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The air quality inside a car is lower than outside, research has concluded. Using an air conditioner doesn’t help matters either because it’s just recycling the stale air. The best solution is to wind down your windows. Or get out and get on a bike or foot.
via Treehugger