Manchester Tourism Awards- nominate Victoria Baths

From the inbox-

Dear Friend,

You may have seen adverts (in the Manchester Evening news or elsewhere) for the Manchester Tourism Awards 2006 – with the slogan*/ “What would you be proud to recommend to a visitor?” /*There is a category in the awards called *”Manchester Recommends”* – _where YOU the visitors send in suggestions_.
Would you like to nominate Victoria Baths for this award?

*How to do it?
*You need to send a postcard with the name of your nomination, with your name, address and daytime tel no to Manchester Recommends Competition, Marketing Dept, M.E.N., 164 Deansgate, Manchester M3 3RN to arrive before Jan 20th.

You could win 2 tickets for the event (Feb 2 at GMEX), and overnight accom. at the Malmaison Hotel plus pre-award cocktails!! Does that help persuade you?!!

Victoria Baths

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