Spinney Street

This is Spinney Street, which is going to be populated with shops, houses and people over time. The tarmac and paving is from the Scale Scenes printables range. I’m hoping to produce a few printable products of my own to place on the road. The end to the left of frame is going to be the home of Scale Motors, selling unique and customised cars. Possibly there will be a portacabin on the land. Next up there will be a shop or chippy then a few terraced houses.

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0 thoughts on “Spinney Street

  • ikl

    I’d recommend using a Desktop Publishing program to make the additional details such as bus stop road markings etc. They turn out pretty well when scaled down and printed out. Plus if you take photo’s of the road surface, scale them down and overplace the markings – they work well. Here’s my first test bus stop graphic.

  • Ian

    I’m taking photos of manhole covers and road markings not covered by the Scale Scenes set which I’ll be making available as add-ons.