Goatse in the park

Clare and I went out for a bike ride in a couple of the local parks this afternoon. There is no Streets Ahead festival this year, but some folks were still doing a bit of art in Platt Fields. What drew my attention was this “chicken” oven (click images for larger pictures)-

At first I thought it might be a buddha statue but when I got up close and round the back I could tell it was an oven. However, there was something about the arrangement of the wings and the door that suggested something else.

Take a closer look.

There’s no point in beating about the bush, it’s actually a goatse cooker. (If you don’t know what goatse is don’t go trying to find out, or at least read the Wikipedia page on it so you know what you’re letting yourself in for.)

I would happily eat anything cooked in it, but there’d be that little thought in the back of my head, “This pizza came out of goatse!”

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