Daily archives: August 13, 2008

Tweets today

00:27 Blog: Tweets today tinyurl.com/55vf95 #

15:30 Blog: Global Weirding is available from Amazon tinyurl.com/5bg7m9 #

16:03 Capturing hd at 1/2 speed. #

16:16 Capturing hd in real time. That’ll never last. #

16:18 Capturing hd at 1/8 speed. Told you. #

16:22 So far I haven’t thought of any shot I should have got last week but missed. That’ll probably come to me whilst editing. #

16:28 Blog: Global Weirding is available from Amazon tinyurl.com/5bg7m9 #

21:19 Auto-erotic crucifiction? #

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