22:24 Blog: Bring on the laser gunships tinyurl.com/6awfvo #
23:26 Blog: Tweets today tinyurl.com/6zxd5c #
00:25 Blog: I want to take nude photos like Richard Kerns tinyurl.com/6y5axw #
17:28 Blog: I’ve got ginger beer brewing tinyurl.com/5h5pu4 #
18:05 Save the World: Wouldn’t you like a solar powered car? tinyurl.com/5s4npy #
18:21 Scale: Jalopnik’s guide to classic hot rod parts tinyurl.com/6g33ga #
18:21 Scale: Working 1:6th scale Corvette V8 engine tinyurl.com/6jkrxe #
20:26 Blog: Si tu es majeur, touche ma carotte! tinyurl.com/6nrsr7 #
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