Daily archives: October 21, 2008

Tweets today

23:32 Blog: Tweets today tinyurl.com/6fhakh #

11:29 Blog: You can get John McCain and Sarah Palin masks for your guy tinyurl.com/6ge3fv #

12:32 Blog: Trying to get to heaven fore the sun goes down, yeah tinyurl.com/5hvcb9 #

15:00 Save the World: Towards more efficient solar power tinyurl.com/6hr5yl #

15:32 Blog: Coming soon to the Spinneyhead library and music collection tinyurl.com/5euzes #

16:10 This week’s orange wednesday film is Eagle Eye @ 6.40 @ amc #

16:32 Blog: There’s probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life tinyurl.com/6xl8hp #

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There’s probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life

That’s one of the slogans proposed for the Atheist Bus camapign, a counter to increasing religious advertising on buses. I’d love to see a few of these on Manchester buses. The increasing number of King’s Church adverts have been annoying me lately. Even as an atheist I’m insulted by their slogan “Making Jesus famous”. The sheer arrogance of believing they can improve the profile of the most famous imaginary Jewish person ever tells you all you need to know about what King’s Church is really about. It’s about feeding the ego of whoever runs King’s Church, not spreading any of the more positive aspects of Christian teaching or helping in any way the vulnerable people who will most likely respond to the ads.

Coming soon to the Spinneyhead library and music collection

I cracked and ordered a batch of books and cds-

Ida Maria – Fortress Around My Heart. On the strength of “I Like You So Much More When You’re Naked”, a song which is close to the most fun you can have with or without your clothes on.

Camper Van Beethoven – Our Beloved Revolutionary Sweetheart. Because I listened to my tape of this album on the way back from Edinburgh last time, driving along the A702 and remembering Cumbrian roads, finding the album in a Woolworths’ bargain bin and having to turn around and go back because the other passenger wanted his own copy by the end of the tape. When I finally make my movie, “Life is Grand” is going to be the end theme.

Making Comics – Scott McCloud. Because I’m making comics, albeit slower than I’d like. And I’m almost halfway through the first graphic novel, so I should probably have picked this up sooner.

I’ve got Reinventing Comics somewhere, which turned me on to the idea of doing a webcomic so many years ago, and I really should read Understanding Comics as well. Most of my understanding of comic book pacing and panel composition has been picked up from reading comics, I’m hoping this book will provide some pointers to where I can improve my work.

Watching the Watchmen. Yes, I’ve fallen for a piece of Watchmen merchandising. Dave Gibbons, unlike writer Alan Moore, is loving the adaptation of his graphic novel and is more than willing to revisit the subject and give us a book full of background, sketches and anecdotes. It’s like the special features bit on a dvd. And it’s considerably cheaper than Absolute Watchmen.

And on pre-order-

Erotic Comics: A Graphic history volume 2. Because I’m creating an erotic graphic novel it seems like a good idea to have a look at the genre’s history. Volume 1 of this set was a breezy trip from cave art to the seventies, telling me some stuff I didn’t know and giving me a fair amount of stuff to folow up on.

Best Erotic Comics 2009. And I should study what others are doing in teh same field. I’ve got Best Erotic Comics 2008, which has a good eclectic mix of material.

Trying to get to heaven fore the sun goes down, yeah

Livin in a shack in a one-horse town
Trying to get to heaven fore the sun goin down
Lizard in a bottle, yeah

Dizzy in a haze for 40 days
Hey there, little devil

Come on little devil
Be my little angel
Come on little devil
Be my, yeah, angel, ow

Oh, she came on with an alligator smile
Dynamite lover, scorpion child
Trying to get to heaven fore the sun goes down, yeah

She came on with a cyclone kiss
Hey there baby, you dont never miss
Lizard in a bottle, oh yeah

Come on little devil
Be my little angel
Come on little devil
Be my little angel, angel

Come on little devil
Be my little angel
Come on little devil
Be my, oh be my, angel

The Cult – Lil Devil

On Saturday morning, having found a Ford dealership that would sell me anti-freeze and topped up the radiator system on the minibus I was driving back to the church hall. To encourage the anti freeze to properly mix with the water in the system the heating was on full blast. So the windows were down to keep me from roasting. Then Lil Devil came on the tape player, a song that always makes me smile. Then, out of a bright and shiny sky, it started raining. Very heavily.

Yes, I was the mad sassenach laughing like a loon at the traffic lights in a blue van.