23:32 Blog: Tweets today tinyurl.com/6q8bz8 #
12:31 Blog: It pulls a little to the left……. tinyurl.com/5e4bxb #
12:32 Blog: There’s new Watchmen footage at io9 tinyurl.com/65x4p5 #
13:08 Crash testing my stomach with leek and cheese omelette for lunch. I’ll soon know if I’m better. #
15:16 @warrenellis What differentiates a graphic novella from a graphic novel? Is it just page count? #
18:19 Save the World: Britain leads the world in offshore wind power tinyurl.com/5s4lb8 #
18:48 Sherlock Holmes is filming already. Lots of people in victorian garb in Great Northern. Me next week. #
21:34 Blog: A bunch of Edinburgh photos uploaded tinyurl.com/5q7vlj #
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