Daily archives: March 12, 2009

Tweets today

00:26 Blog: Tweets today tinyurl.com/c4nlrr #

00:26 Blog: Ninja on acid tinyurl.com/bn47ar #

06:45 On Two Wheels- Watch where you ride tinyurl.com/dzv9bx #

09:10 It was as she walked away I thought to myself, was it worth all the worry and the risk to my health. #

09:23 Blog: Lump lingered last in line for brains, and the ones she got were sorta rotten and insane tinyurl.com/awru3c #

18:37 £550 per month gets you a studio flat in the Beetham Tower. Almost worth doing it for six months for the view. #

22:08 Rambo 3 – Afghanistan 0 #

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Lump lingered last in line for brains, and the ones she got were sorta rotten and insane

Lump sat alone in a boggy marsh
Totally motionless except for her heart
Mud flowed up into lumps pyjammas
She totally confused all the passing piranhas
Shes lump shes lump
Shes in my head
Shes lump shes lump shes lump
She might be dead
Lump lingered last in line for brains
And the ones she got were sorta rotten and insane
Small things so sad that birds could land
Is lump fast asleep or rockin out with the band

Shes lump shes lump
Shes in my head
Shes lump shes lump shes lump
She might be dead

Lump was limp and lonely and needed a shove
Lump slipped on a kiss and tumbled into love
She spent her twenties between the sheets
Life limped along at subsonic speeds

Shes lump shes lump
Shes in my head
Shes lump shes lump shes lump
She might be dead

Is this lump out of my head I think so
Is this lump out of my head I think so
Is this lump out of my head I think so
Is this lump out of my head

Lump – Presidents of the USA