23:11 I’ve been Rickrolled in handwriting! #
23:22 Blog: Tweets today tinyurl.com/cyalol #
23:34 Nipples! #
00:37 "It’s a rather radical kind of contraception. But we take whatever works." #
01:20 Gossip, gossip gossip, gossip, kittens. #
01:22 Ninja kittens. Ginger ninja kittens. #
08:13 How come 2 of the oldest bastards here were last out of the bar on the last night? #
08:14 Schrodinger’s testicles. #
08:15 Just forced out the last two tweets from last night. Can’t remember what they were. #
12:32 Streaming video- qik.com/video/1426510 #
12:32 Streaming video- qik.com/video/1426522 #
16:22 Blog: JOE132 is by the thames tinyurl.com/dakzm6 #
17:30 When I finally get home I should have the house to myself. Naked time! #
21:28 @Loupie I’m far too much of a gentleman to say one lady’s nipples are better than another’s. #
21:54 Am returned from That London, achey and knackered from Capital Cash and London Loot. #
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