Daily archives: April 14, 2009

Tweets today

00:20 Blog: Tweets today tinyurl.com/dy2nzc #

09:58 @timdifford I’m going to be near there soon. I shall take pictures. #

10:22 Blog: Give a poor robot a hand tinyurl.com/cqm66t #

12:12 It’s getting hard to be someone, but it all works out. #

12:20 Blog: The G of the Gone tinyurl.com/c8hzht #

14:05 Are the various 118 services having a competition to see who can commission the most annoying advert? #

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The G of the Gone

The G of the Gone, originally uploaded by spinneyhead.

I heard that The B of the Bang was coming down today so I’ve detoured to Eastlands on the way to the studio. At the moment they’re just putting up safety fencing. I’ll head to the studio and come back in a few hours.

Give a poor robot a hand

Kacie Kinzer wanted to test human/robot interaction, so she invented the Tweenbots, little smiling robots capable of only trundling along in one direction. To get to their destination, advertised on a flag, they would need human help. Surprisingly, in several months of testing in New York all the robots completed their missions through the kindness of strangers.

It would be interesting to run this experiment in other cities and see if they are any less friendly than the Big Apple.

via BoingBoing