Tweets today
10:51 May be found in a corner later whimpering and babbling about manifold/non-manifold vertices. #
11:34 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! I just want to be able to select and weld two bits why is it so fucking hard!!!! #
11:35 Blender tutorials seem to tell you everything except how to select the parts you want to work on. #
12:38 Bless you and bless me. Bless the bees. And the birds. #
15:36 Typical. Wait in until 2.30 for Amazon delivery. Give up and go out to post stuff. Delivery arrives in the half hour I’m out. #
20:11 Tomorrow’s film will be Inglourious Basterds at 6.15 at amc. A bit early, but the best option. #
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