The Naked Guide to Spinneyhead

At the moment, about a third of all the visitors to Spinneyhead land on the Naked Bike Ride category page. Which is cool. WNBR is great fun and I’d encourage everyone to get involved. But I thought you might like to find out about some of the other stuff here at Spinneyhead.

Since you’re obviously naughty types you’ll all be interested in the posts which fall into the Sex category. All the Sex Toy posts should interest you. Go far enough back and you’ll find out about our project to build the perfect sex toy, which never came to fruition, but did generate the Perfect Sex Toy line at Cafe Press. For toys that did make it into production Love Honey is Spinneyhead’s preferred supplier of sex toys.

As well as the Naked Bike Ride I’ve also covered many other naked or nude things, though obviously there’s bound to be a bit of crossover.

Several of my books are available as print on demand or downloads through Read more about the products available through Lulu.

Owners of the Amazon Kindle can buy ebook versions of my books from (There is Kindle software available for PCs, iPods, iPhones and iPads if you don’t own a Kindle.) Read more about the products available for the Kindle.

If you have an ebook reader which isn’t served by the Kindle, but which can handle pdfs, some of my books are available as downloads from Drive-Thru Comics.

And if you like any of these links then you can subscribe to the Spinneyhead RSS feed to keep getting updates.