With the possible demise of delicio.us, I thought I'd try out Diigo instead.
It's copying all my bookmarks across to Delicio.us as it goes, though, and hopefully my daily link collections will carry on being uploaded as before.
Knudsen said decorating with elves at Christmas was “comparable to decorating with Nazi flags”, and described elves of all sorts as “poltergeists that come from the devil and make children sick”.
There once was a marvellous overland escalator in Moscow. At present one may only roam about its ruins.
In the late 70-ies and early 80-ies the whole world’s “democratic community” was in dreams under the euphory of the Hollywood Star Wars. Soviet part of the world in their turn were making the Hollywood dreams come true: the astronauts explored the outer space, battle stations and space fighters were developed, and “laser tanks” roamed the Earth.