Daily Blog 05/25/2011

  • Now, if you have £30-£40 to invest in a set of water stones, plus £20 for a razor strop and £20 for a great chef steel, you can get a razor edge on your knife. I do mean shaving sharp. But what if you haven’t? Well a friend of mine challenged me to get a beaten up Mora to shave for under five pounds. I do love a challenge 😉 !

    I openly acknowledge that all the ideas shown here have been robbed from a variety of sources – not least Mors Kochanski, however a personal experience may be interesting (and the techiques do work) so heres how I went about it. Total cost to me? About £4 max.

    tags: knife

  • tags: alternatehistory

  • Panini HRX (Highlight Reel Xperience) cards were developed with Recom, a company that makes video name badges and other screen-based promo gear. The cards will actually still be made from card, although they’ll be thicker than regular trading cards and will have an “HD quality” screen covering part of the front. The 2GB cards will come pre-loaded with a highlight reel showing footage of the sportsman in question — Kobe Bryant, Blake Griffin, Kevin Durant and John Wall — and these people will also autograph some cards.

    tags: tech

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.