Rarely do bands get the opportunity to experiment with what might have been, Inspiral Carpets find themselves in that unique position.
2011 sees the band re-group with their original singer Stephen Holt taking over lead vocal duties from Tom Hingley.
New Statesman – This is a coalition without courage
Neeyow! Stick two fingers up to the so-called speed cameras brigade daring to stop ‘otherwise-law-abiding’ motorists and put your foot down hard on the gas pedal. Here comes freedom! You might not have a job, but if you did have a job, you’d be able to drive a bit faster, if you could afford a car, which you can’t, because there aren’t any jobs. But suppose you did have a car: you could go more quickly in it. Doesn’t that make you feel better about things?
30,000 march against Conservatives in Manchester — MULE
Around 30,000 demonstrators took to the streets of Manchester today to protest against the Conservative Party Conference. The demonstration, named ‘Manchester for the Alternative’, was organised by the Trades Union Congress and the Right to Work campaign, drew in unionists and anti-cuts protestors from around the UK, with some coming from as far away as the West Country and Wales.
Banger racing: the crashes and the controversy – Telegraph
This is not the late Sixties or early Seventies, but 2011 at Arlington Stadium, near Hailsham, in East Sussex, where perhaps more than 100 classic Westminsters will be ground into scrap metal before the night is over in the most controversial banger race to be staged in England.
“The X-Men Guide to Puberty” by Caldwell Tanner and Owen Parsons – CollegeHumor Article
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.