Simon Jenkins doesn’t get it: protest and nuisance at Occupy London « 33revolutionsperminute’s Blog
On Tuesday the veteran commentator Simon Jenkins published an opinion piece in the Evening Standard which helpfully embodied the many varieties of condescension with which commentators have approached the Occupy movement. Jenkins, some of whose columns I agree with, is not the worst offender but his article demonstrates one thing loud and clear: he doesn’t understand how protest works.
French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo firebombed after lampooning Mohammed
THE offices of Charlie Hebdo in Paris were destroyed in the early hours of this morning following the publication of the latest issue of the satirical magazine, which featured the “prophet” Mohammed on the cover saying:
100 lashes if you are not dying of laughter.
The Mail and Hugh Grant: flagrant intimidation | Hacking inquiry – Hacked off
What lies behind the Daily Mail’s assault on Hugh Grant? Could it be conventional piety? Hardly: have you looked at Mail Online lately? It is an artful mix of soft porn and celebrity gossip of the kind which, just a few years ago, the Mail itself would have dismissed as morally corrosive.
Homeless Luxury? Downtown Dwelling Under a Drawbridge | Designs & Ideas on Dornob
Ten years ago, with nowhere else to go, suburban native Richard Dorsay struck upon an idea to live rent-free right in the heart of one of the busiest cities in the world in a homemade residence built into the beams and girders of an urban bridge
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.