Petition to include the Green Party in the General Election TV Debates

Green Party in the General Election TV Debates – e-petitions.

We, the undersigned, acknowledge that recent polling indicates a majority of the British public would like to see the Green Party represented in the general election television debates. We therefore feel it is right and in keeping with the democratic principles this country upholds that a representative of the Green Party be invited to take part, broadening the debate and presenting the electorate with a greater political spectrum with which to engage.

The Green Party polled third in the London mayoral elections, has an MP, MEPs and 141councillors. It is a viable party to which many people are looking for a fresh approach to politics. We therefore ask that the Green Party be represented in the general election television debates.

This seems fair and proper, and I’m puting my name to it.  We have an alternative to the increasingly identikit Lab/Lib/Con gang that isn’t the reactionary bullshit of UKIP and the BNP, but they don’t get as much coverage because their main platform is based upon accepted science rather than prejudice.  I reckon the main parties would be happy if it stayed that way because a swing toward reality based policies would require them to do things which would upset their rich backers and actually make long term, rather than headline grabbing, changes.