Daily Blog 05/16/2013

  • The austerity programmes administered by western governments in the wake of the 2008 global financial crisis were, of course, intended as a remedy, a tough but necessary course of treatment to relieve the symptoms of debts and deficits and to cure recession. But if, David Stuckler says, austerity had been run like a clinical trial, “It would have been discontinued. The evidence of its deadly side-effects – of the profound effects of economic choices on health – is overwhelming.”

    tags: austerity politics

  • A man in Sweden has died after trying to have sex with a hornet’s nest on his farm outside Ystad.

    The 35-year-old, known only as Hasse, had 146 sting marks on his body, including 54 to his genitals, News Sweden said.

    tags: sweden sex bizarre

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.