Goodbye and fuck you, Iain Duncan Smith

So, there were (more) serious, nasty cuts to disability benefits in the budget on Wednesday, which were hated and attacked by all sorts of people. Lots of Tory politicians, who had previously voted for spiteful cuts, are now running scared, and trying to distance themselves from Osborne’s latest stupid idea.

That they took their time coming out against measures they probably applauded on Wednesday shows up their hypocrisy. There is no reasonable way you can presume their opposition comes from any sort of morality. They’ve seen how unpopular the policy is, and they’re doing what they think will save their careers.

Iain Duncan-Smith has gone one better, and resigned his ministerial position, pretending he’s doing it because he can’t stomach ‘a compromise too far’. More likely, he imagines this stab at Osborne will put him in the good books of the other anti-Europe Tories.

Let’s hope this is the first part of the complete end of his political career, instead.

Work and pension secretary says too much emphasis has been placed on money saving exercises in letter to David Cameron

Source: ‘A compromise too far’: Iain Duncan Smith’s resignation letter in full