Leavers don’t like irony, or equality

There’s a petition to Parliament to re-run the referendum, but with higher requirements for a decision (60% in favour, 75% turnout). As I write this, just under 3.1 million people have signed it. It’s unlikely we’ll get another referendum (and who wants to go through that again?), but it’s an gauge of the dissatisfaction with the way it all turned out.

And, if this Facebook post is genuine, it’s hilarious that it was set up by a Leave supporter, who thinks Remainers are behaving appallingly by agreeing with the sentiments he would have been screaming out if the tables were turned.

In case the post mysteriously disappears, here’s the text of it-

Oliver Healey – English Democrats


Dear All

Re: EU Referendum Rules triggering a 2nd EU Referendum petition

This petition was created at a time (over a month ago) when it was looking unlikely that ‘leave’ were going to win, with the intention of making it harder for ‘remain’ to further shackle us to the EU. Due to the result, the petition has been hijacked by the remain campaign. Admittedly, my actions were premature however, my intentions were as stated above. THERE WAS NO GUARANTEE OF A LEAVE VICTORY AT THAT TIME!!! Having said that, if it had not been mine, it would have been orchestrated by someone on the remain campaign. However, since I am associated with the petition and before the press further associate me with it I felt the need to better clarify my position on the issue even if it looks bad. I am it’s creator, nothing more! The logistical probability of getting a turnout to be a minimum of 75% and of that, 60% of the vote must be one or the other (leave or remain) is in my opinion next to impossible without a compulsory element to the voting system.

I have been opposed to the bureaucratic and undemocratic nature of the European Union as an institution privately for many years and for all of my political career. I have openly and actively lent my support to both Vote Leave and Grassroots Out campaigns – why would I do this if I wanted to remain in the EU? I am genuinely appalled by the behaviour of some of the remain campaign, how they are conducting themselves post-referendum not just with this petition but generally. The referendum was fairly funded; democratically endorsed, every vote was weighted equally and I believe this was a true reflection of the mood of the country. To my fellow leavers, now doubting their decision please keep the faith, we will be fine just stick with it. I believe what we need to do now for the good of the country; is get behind the will of the British people, unite, issue Article 50 of the Treaty of Lisbon and move forward, with the process of leaving the European Union.

William Oliver Healey

Creator of EU Referendum Rules triggering a 2nd EU Referendum petition

Leave would have been truly awful and obnoxious losers. You can tell by the way they’re truly awful and obnoxious winners.

(Whilst I wrote this post, the petition went from 3.09 million signatures to 3.114 million.)