Daily archives: September 21, 2002

This isn’t the Seeds segment I couldn’t finish yesterday. I realised this one fits better with the order and pace of the story. However, Chapter Five is causing me some problems, so expect quite a few changes between the daily posts and the full chapter when it goes up.

Reed hadn�t complained when jay wanted to spend the first day in their cabin. After three days, he was beginning to worry. He opened the door and stared out. �I think I can understand.�

Jay was sulking on the bed. �I feel so stupid. How can I call myself a warrior when I�m scared of�. Of�.�

�Nothing.� The view played tricks on Reed�s senses. The island was on the other side of the boat. When he looked straight ahead there was nothing to be seen but blue grey haze, graduating to a paler blue in the sky. The horizon was so invisible in this haze. Staring at it too long confused Reed�s perception of up and down. He shook his head and jerked it around to get a view of the ship. With a point of reference he felt so much better. He motioned for Jay to join him.

�They cannot expect us to fight over this stuff. One or two sharp turns and we�ll lose all sense of what is up and what down. It is so different in the mountains.� Jay pulled on a smock and slowly crossed the room. Reed put his arms around her and they stared out together.