Daily archives: March 18, 2003

Wand'rin' mines

Self healing minefields have been developed to confound clearing operations. Allegedly it’s a humanitarian approach-

One of the main uses of anti-personnel landmines has been to keep mine-clearers away from anti-tank explosives. A dynamic, rearrangeable set of anti-tank mines would eliminate the need for anti-personnel defenses, the logic goes.

via GeekPress

New life for old silos

Just up the road from home (High Trees, Cumbria home, not Manchester home) is an old redbrick building that used to be the pump house for Cogra Moss (even further up the road, through a wood and nestling in a horseshoe of hills). A few years ago, it was found to contain a manufacturing lab for ecstasy. In Kansas they think bigger, using an abandoned missile silo to manufacture LSD.


Self healing minefields have been developed to confound clearing operations. Allegedly it’s a humanitarian approach-

One of the main uses of anti-personnel landmines has been to keep mine-clearers away from anti-tank explosives. A dynamic, rearrangeable set of anti-tank mines would eliminate the need for anti-personnel defenses, the logic goes.

via GeekPress

The Final Countdown

Across the table from me, the Major Incident Policy team are dividing up disasters- ‘I’ll take botulism, you can have ricin and dirty bombs’- whilst there may be a case of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome in North Manchester General.

Was it just me, or did Dubya look even more like a bad piece of animatronics than normal as he issued his ultimatum?

Another ministerial resignation, but Clare Short is staying.

Lots of little protests around the country. I’d take part, but I don’t think anyone would notice I wasn’t working.

Philosophy is Useless

‘they wanna have a war to keep us on our knees

they wanna have a war to keep their factories

they wanna have a war to stop us buying Japanese

they wanna have a war to stop Industrial Disease

they’re pointing out the enemy to keep you deaf and blind

they wanna sap your energy incarcerate your mind

they give you Rule Brittania, gassy beer, page three

two weeks in Espana and Sunday striptease’

Industrial Disease from Love Over Gold by Dire Straits.