Space girls are easy
How to tell if your prostitute is an extra-terrestrial.
6. Sex was “unbelievable.” If the encounter was “everything you’ve always fantasized about,” chances are the memory was implanted by ETs.
How to tell if your prostitute is an extra-terrestrial.
6. Sex was “unbelievable.” If the encounter was “everything you’ve always fantasized about,” chances are the memory was implanted by ETs.
Whatever led Allawi to say such a thing, he’s an idiot.
A cyclist admits to most of those sins we’re always labelled with, but properly lays the blame on road design and drivers.
Not trying to sound all holier-than-she, but I don’t run red lights and I only go up on the pavement when there are no pedestrians and/ or some fool’s set the cycle parking back from the road.
See? The world needs more people like me, it would be so much better that way.