Daily archives: April 27, 2005

Pitching Green

The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) has launched Pitching Green, a guide for producers and consumers of Green products. Consumers can download a guide to what all the eco labels mean and suppliers can subscribe to a newsletter explaining how and why to pitch green products.

via CityHippy

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The bids are strong for this one

Own your own full size X-Wing fighter.

There is currently one on display at Celebration 3 in Indianapolis, Indiana . There is also one in storage at the 20th Century Fox Studios in Sydney, Australia. In 1996, Neiman Marcus auctioned one of them off in their world famous Christmas Catalog. The final bid came in at $135,000.00.

via Screenhead

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Joss Whedon’s Firefly movie, Serenity, is due for release in the States in September. A trailer is up at the Apple trailers site. Along with Farscape, Firefly was a refreshing step away from the Trek view of TV sci-fi. Farscape was pure, over the top, space opera whilst Firefly was eccentric and a bit more Hard SF meets future western.

via Slashdot

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3 blades to the wind

In a way, the Navy are the obvious armed force to take to wind power. It is part of their heritage, after all. The US Navy has erected four windmills at its most controversial base.

Standing 275-foot tall, with blades spanning 177 feet, the Navy’s four new 3-blade wind turbines are among the most noticeable features at Naval Station Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Each of the four turbines will generate 950 kilowatts (kw) of electricity. Together, the four turbines will generate 3,800 kw, and in years of typical weather the wind turbines will produce almost 8 million kilowatt-hours of electricity. They will reduce the consumption of 650,000 gallons of diesel fuel, reduce air pollution by 26 tons of sulfur dioxide and 15 tons of nitrous oxide, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 13 million pounds each year.

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