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First in a series from around kelvin street.
Technorati tag: moblog
All things being equal I should be back on my bike and commuting next week. I’ll be faster and fitter, but how will my lungs be? Another cyclist has the same question for Umbra at Grist Magazine, and the answer is reassuring.
via Treehugger
I really, really want an Easy Rider style bike. Maybe I could make my own carbon fibre one.
via Treehugger and Tim
The people who influence what music we hear and buy,even if they’re not always doing it conciously.
Technorati tag: Music
The government is planning to sell off British Nuclear Group, the main operating arm of BNFL, which handles nuclear generation, reprocessing and clean-up businesses. The most worrying aspect of this sale is some of the bidders- Halliburton and Fluor have only one reputation these days, that of incompetent, thieving Bush cronies. I don’t want to see them in charge of anything in this country, let alone anything nuclear.
Technorati tag: Nuclear, Halliburton