Daily archives: July 11, 2006

Heavensent 7.1

They weren’t being closely guarded. After Leein had recounted the events in the rail yard it had been deemed too dangerous to hold them against their will. Instead, they were guests and potential allies. They accepted the situation, they were strangers in the city and did not yet know enough to comfortably make their way.

The larger man, Aurile, had picked up the language rapidly and now spoke it with the precision of a highly schooled lord. The other two weren’t learning so fast, but had their own idiosyncrasies. The small man, Fynn, studied everything, seeing the smallest detail. The woman, Shara, was poised and dangerous even when, as now, she lounged in the bay window watching the city go by.

“We are explorers.” Aurile explained.

“From the South?” Gerryl had taken upon himself the task of questioning the strangers.

“No, not from the South.” Aurile smiled.

“We have heard of travellers from the Silver Tower.” Shara understood some of the sentence. She turned and gave the conversation her full attention. In all his years, Gerryl had rarely felt as nervous as when he had Shara’s attention.

“I believe it is possible we are seeking the Silver Tower. We know exactly what we are trying to find, but cannot be sure how your culture refers to it.”

“You make it sound as if we are primitives.”

“Hardly. You are no more a primitive than we are the gods a primitive would worship us as. We are somewhat nervous, however, that you may have trouble comprehending our story.”

Fynn, who had been listening intently, stood and walked to the door. He said something to Aurile. “There appears to be a commotion in the building. You are about to have a visitor.” There was the sound of feet almost running down the corridor then the door opened just as Fynn stepped aside.

“Aylo! What are you…..” Gerryl cut himself off. Aylo was a good troop and would not come to the headquarters without fair reason. The younger man slapped a piece of paper on the table and stood back. Only then did he take in the room’s other occupants. For a moment he thought Shara’s stare was something other than dangerous.

“I do not understand the language that well, but….. This is an order to liquidate a whole neighbourhood.”

“Yes, and I believe they are serious. Boran will give his life when they discover he leaked it.”

Aurile had taken the sheet and was reading it. He turned to confer with his companions.

“It seems your assessment of him was correct.” Gerryl conceded, for what little comfort that afforded Aylo.

Aurile turned back from his conference. “We would like to help you.”

“You would?”

“Yes. It is not entirely altruistic. Perhaps, if we all see this through, you can help us.”

Heavensent 7.2
Heavensent 6.15
Heavensent 1.1

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87% of British public opposed to new nuclear power stations

From the Green Party press office:

In advance of the government’s energy review due tomorrow, the Green Party today released the results of a national survey dramatically highlighting public opposition to a new generation of nuclear power stations, and revealing widespread criticism of the way in which the government conducted it’s review.

Green Party Principal Speaker Keith Taylor commented: “When asked directly whether they supported plans to build new nuclear power stations, 87% of respondents rejected the nuclear option, in stark contrast to an overwhelming 98% support for greater investment in renewable energy, and 99% support for greater investment in energy-saving measures at home and work. This puts pay to any suggestion the nuclear power is accepted as a necessary evil by the UK.

“Despite the government’s ceaseless attempts to frame the debate as one of ‘nuclear, or the lights go out,’ the British public are not convinced. The preparatory scare-mongering we have witnessed in recent months from the likes of Alistair Darling, Malcom Wicks and Tony Blair has failed to make any headway on convincing the public of the case for a new generation of dirty and dangerous nuclear power stations.

“The survey also revealed tellingly low levels of confidence in the government’s consultation process. 89% of those polled agreed with the statement: ‘I think the government had already decided what they wanted to do about nuclear power before this debate started.’

These results concur with the fears today raised by the Trade and Industry Committee ‘that the outcome of the government’s energy review had been decided in advance.’

Keith Taylor continued: “Accusations of ‘rubber stamping’ are wholly justified. Only today, leaked documents have revealed plans for a massive expansion of nuclear power across G8 countries and the developing world, in advance of the G8 Summit in St Petersburg next weekend.

“The Energy Review has been Blair’s exercise in ‘consult and ignore’. Despite determined and widespread public opposition, the government remain hell bent on forcing through a new round of dangerous nuclear power stations, and are prepared to subvert planning frameworks to achieve this.

“Local objections to nuclear power plants could be over-ridden under planning changes proposed by the government’s energy review. Councils could alter the appearance and precise location of the sites, but would be unable to reject power plants on the grounds they were not needed.

“If Tony Blair is serious about tackling climate change in a sustainable and effective way, he should seize the opportunity of the energy review to ensure that the necessary legislative framework is in place to stake our future on safe, carbon free and inexpensive sources of energy: wind, wave and solar. Succumbing to pressure from the billion pound nuclear lobby means leading the UK down a dirty and dangerous path.”

The survey covered attitudes to different energy sources, opinions on the government’s energy review, and the actions people might take to support or oppose different energy technologies. The results show huge confidence in the potential of energy saving and renewable energy – particularly solar, wind and wave power – and massive opposition to new nuclear power stations.

Sian Berry, Green Party Campaign’s Co-ordinator and a member of the National Executive commented: “The energy survey demonstrates overwhelming support for energy efficiency, renewable energy and smaller scale energy generation, rather than the current centralised system reliant on the wasteful use of fossil fuels and nuclear power. It also found that if new nuclear power stations were approved, 66 per cent of respondents said they would be prepared take part in mass protests against nuclear power.

“The UK’s centralised system of giant isolated power stations wastes a staggering two thirds of the primary energy produced before the electricity reaches our homes. The British public want a new green energy future for the UK, based on local generation through combined heat and power in our communities, micro-generation on their homes and places of work supplemented by large scale renewable energy projects. This is more than an unattainable dream, but an achievable vision.

via Eco Street Blog

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