Daily archives: July 27, 2006

Heavensent 8.6

Street patrols had been cut back, leave had been cancelled and weapons checks had been ordered. It was obvious to all in the barracks that something major was due. The volunteers guessed, and had formed disgusted huddles to avoid the enthusiastic draftees. Killing civilians was not what they had signed up for.

Commander Janssen arrived late to the parade ground, his huge half track command vehicle misfiring on two cylinders and gouging up the surface. He made only a cursory inspection of the assembled troops before signalling the ranking officers on the base to mount up and join him around the map table.

Trikes mounted with autoguns formed up ahead of and behind the command vehicle. The on-duty troops formed up by squad behind the half track, ready to set out for the old town of Cora. The streets were narrow and the buildings mazes of small rooms. If they met opposition, the rumour went, they would simply raze the district rather than risk fighting on such fatal ground.

The gates opened. Manually adjusting the three banks of carburettors on the half track’s engine, the driver managed to stop the misfires. The vehicle jerked forward and headed out of the barracks. The troops followed behind, marching into the rising sun, ready to make the wrong kind of history.

Heavensent 8.7
Heavensent 8.5
Heavensent 1.1

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There are loads of sites on the internet for you to upload videos to. My personal choices are Revver and YouTube. Dabble allows you to search through footage from multiple sources and upload links to your own or favourite videos and tag them. As with VotedTop, I recommend you go there, join and look for Spinneyhead tagged videos.

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The Nottingham Declaration

The Nottingham Declaration is a public commitment by local authorities to recognise the impacts of climate change and take action against it. Actions include delivering carbon dioxide reductions at the local level by improving energy sourcing, travel and transport, waste production and disposal, and the purchasing of goods and services.

In support of this, the Government is supporting the launch of a new climate change Action Pack for local authorities. The pack will provide tools and advice to local authorities on how to recognise the impacts of climate change locally and take action to minimise causes in their area.

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Hush wind turbine

The multi bladed Hush Turbine is designed to run at relatively low speeds compared to conventional horizontal axis turbines. This, and an annular ring that joins the tips of the many angled blades, means it can run virtually silently and be better balanced to reduce vibration. It will be available in sizes from 1 metre to 5 metres.

via Hugg

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Biomass for the lazy

Bixby Energy Systems have developed a pellets stove that can burn almost anything. The trick is in formulating the pellets to burn at a given temperature and company founder Bob Walker has done just that. This means that pellets can be made from local waste materials, keeping the supply chain short. He has even developed a hopper system to automate the transfer of fuel to the burner for the really lazy. Wired article.

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Voted Top

Voted Top is another pretender to the Digg crown. It seems more interested in promoting whole sites than driving traffic to individual posts, which is good for the Spinneyhead empire, because I’m more biased to lots of short entries than longer ones. If you pop over and register you can probably find Spinneyhead and How to Save the World for Free in the new releases column and vote for them.

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Graf Zeppelin found

Hitler’s only aircraft carrier was the Graf Zeppelin. Despite being launched in 1938 it never saw service. The Red Army captured and recovered the ship after it was scuttled in the Polish port of Szczecin in April 1945. Contrary to agreements to sink or destroy Nazi vessels, the Russians used it to transport looted equipment, and later as target practice for their dive bombers. After this battering the ship disappeared and its exact location was never known until recently, when an oil exploration survey found the ship on the bed of the Baltic Sea near the Bay of Gdansk.

Graf Zeppelin in wikipedia.
A model of the Graf Zeppelin.

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Graf Zeppelin

Hitler’s only aircraft carrier was the Graf Zeppelin. Despite being launched in 1938 it never saw service. The Red Army captured and recovered the ship after it was scuttled in the Polish port of Szczecin in April 1945. Contrary to agreements to sink or destroy Nazi vessels, the Russians used it to transport looted equipment, and later as target practice for their dive bombers. After this battering the ship disappeared and its exact location was never known until recently, when an oil exploration survey found the ship on the bed of the Baltic Sea near the Bay of Gdansk.

Graf Zeppelin in wikipedia.
A model of the Graf Zeppelin.

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