Fast boats and sleepy villages,,2-2554828,00.html
£350,000 would buy you a speedboat capable of going 70 miles per hour and carrying up to six tons of drugs which was virtually undetectable.  Just what every fisherman needs.;jsessionid=RKVX2IHBRMVYNQFIQMGSFFWAVCBQWIV0?xml=/news/2007/01/19/wspain19.xml

A whole Spanish village is suspected in the murder of its unpopular mayor.  Fago is the second smallest village in its region and its mayor of 12 years was in fear of his life and contemplating standing down when he was shot multiple times on his way back from a meeting in another town.  This sounds like the plot to the sort of film Gerard Depardieu would appear in.;jsessionid=RKVX2IHBRMVYNQFIQMGSFFWAVCBQWIV0?xml=/portal/2007/01/19/ftshop119.xml

How Green is your supermarket?  Following Tescos and Marks & Spencers’ announcements, the Telegraph tests the big four to see how they’re doing at present.
Flash based family tree thingy.  Mum’s doing the family tree at the moment, but I think she’s a long way past this level of complexity.
Dissolving dresses as a metaphor for throwaway culture.