Daily archives: April 16, 2007

Alice in Sunderland

I’ve been waiting for Alice in Sunderland for a while now, and it’s finally been released. The latest work from Bryan Talbot, one of the greats of British comics, is a 328 page book is about the history of his home town, the genesis of Alice in Wonderland and comics themselves. This review, done as a comic strip talking head over panels from the comic and other books, has been inspired by Talbot’s own appearance as narrator in his tale.

Other graphic novels by Bryan Talbot-
The Adventures of Luther Arkwright
Heart of Empire: The Legacy of Luther Arkwright
The Tale of One Bad Rat

Review found via BoingBoing

I'm the only green MP

Alan Simpson MP details his ecohouse project. An odd aspect of this report is that it appears in the Daily Mail, one of the last newspapers still in denial and desparately trying to find fault with the few things the Government is doing. For example- the assessors for the energy consumption section of Home Information Packs won’t have criminal record checks and will therefore all be burglars, apparently. They’ll also be able to make a lot of money if they work hard (how dare they!).

Alan Simpson’s website

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Monday 23rd April is International Pixel-Stained Technopeasant Day

In response to a rant by the current vice-president of the Science fiction and Fantasy Writers of America labelling those who provide free versions of their work online scabs and “Pixel-stained Technopeasant Wretches”, livejournal user papersky, aka author Jo Walton, has announced that Monday 23rd April is International Pixel-Stained Technopeasant Day. Participants should give away professional standard work online. I’m thinking of putting up my National Novel Writing Month effort, which only reached 21,000 words but works as a stand alone short story, “Global Weirding”. I will then, as soon after as possible, make it available through Lulu with “added features” and as a physical product for those who want it.

via BoingBoing