Daily archives: May 6, 2007

Voice over

Voice over
Originally uploaded by spinneyhead.
We spent a couple of hours this afternoon recording Mary’s overdubbing for the film. Whilst it would have been better to have got the sound right on location, by having a muffled microphone or not filming on so windy a day, this worked out quite well. Alan is going to work his magic and we’ll have dialogue you can actually hear over the wind noise.

The Basement is underwater

The Basement Social Centre in Manchester was badly damaged in the huge fire which started on Dale Street on Monday morning. It is now closed for essential repairs but we hope to open again in the near future, In the meantime apologies to all our user groups, customers and friends.

Luckily we did not go up in flames; however we have suffered smoke damage and more significantly severe flood damage from our sprinkler system

Some of us were able to briefly go in and salvage important items; the scene that greeted us was grim but rather less apocalyptic than we first feared. There were puddles of water rather than the 2 metres we were warned about but many books, leaflets and art works are well beyond repair. Ceiling tiles have come down and we can not yet be sure how badly affected the IT hub and kitchen are.

We are not currently able to gain access to start the clean up or even fully assess the damage, this is because the area is still deemed unsafe until adjacent buildings are demolished. Latest reports suggest we will be able to get in sometime next week. This is incredibly frustrating and obviously damp things will fester so we are facing a huge challenge,

When we are able to start we would be hugely grateful for any help with the clean up. Its going to be a massive task and the more volunteers the better. We will also need financial support because although we do have some insurance it will not cover all our losses. Extensive renovation and restocking will be necessary and we really do need you.

We have all been touched by many messages of solidarity and support we have received. Thank you everybody. Cheers also to the Fire Brigade who have been ace.

We now ask that you think about turning kind words into action. We have a new website which includes a place to register offers of practical help and also an online donation facility. Any contributions you can make, physical or financial will be much appreciated.

Please go to http://thebasement.clearerchannel.org/new/

The Basement will rise, phoenix like, and be stronger and more glorious – but we will need the help of our friends and supporters to do so

Love and underwater kisses

The Basement Collective

Belly tank racer

L1090971.JPG, originally uploaded by COOP666.

I’d like to make a model of one of these some day. It’s a dry lake racer with a body fashioned from an aeroplane droop tank. Coop was out at a meet at El Mirage yesterday and has a set of photos on Flickr of the hot rods, motor bikes and people who were there.