N/4 Graffiti
N/4 Graffiti
Originally uploaded by spinneyhead.
Gordon Brown is getting on teh home ownership bandwagon, hoping to outdo Thatcher’s grand vision. The promising part of his pronouncement is a call for “eco-towns”, to be powered locally from sustainable sources.
Technorati tag: EcoHouse, Gordon Brown
Another Banksy mural has been painted over, this one it was on the side of an art gallery.
Chin has the potential to be one of the countries worst hit by- as well as one of the prime causes of- global warming. So, thankfully, there is a growing Green awareness in the country, with solar water heaters popular in even the poorest areas and efforts to curb pollution before it kills too many rivers and destroys too much land. It can’t hurt the expanding economy that they’re moving more directly to efficient systems either.
via BoingBoing
Technorati tag: China