Daily archives: May 19, 2008

Venn- days 2 & 3 of shooting

Cliche Friends style pose, originally uploaded by spinneyhead.

We successfully shot the bedroom and party scenes for Venn episodes 1-3 over the weekend. Bedroom, with Graham and Annamarie, on Saturday, party on Sunday.

Firstly, big thanks to Dan, Jenny and Imogen for letting us invade their home two days in a row, mess up the Feng Shui of their living room and make them drink on a Sunday afternoon. A second mention for Dan and Jenny for being my microphone monkeys (every Spinneyhead production has at least one monkey). They could have great careers ahead of them holding poles. Damian, as so often before, was transport monkey.

Dave stepped in at the last minute to play Mark, host of the party and Sarah’s ex. Meg and Harry bravely snogged through eight or nine takes whilst Damian talked to the curtains. It’ll all make sense in the final edit.

Now I’m going to spend the afternoon getting footage off the camera and seeing if I can convert it to a format my computer’s happy with. (Otherwise I’ll have to edit using Damian’s Mac, which would be such a chore.)

More photos, including far too many of the cliched sofa shot, in the Venn gallery.

Support the production of Venn. Get your own I [Kong] NY or Certified Independent Idiot apparel, as modelled by Graham.

I [kong] NY

Certified Independent Idiot

Venn- days 2 & 3 of shooting

Cliche Friends style pose, originally uploaded by spinneyhead.

We successfully shot the bedroom and party scenes for Venn episodes 1-3 over the weekend. Bedroom, with Graham and Annamarie, on Saturday, party on Sunday.

Firstly, big thanks to Dan, Jenny and Imogen for letting us invade their home two days in a row, mess up the Feng Shui of their living room and make them drink on a Sunday afternoon. A second mention for Dan and Jenny for being my microphone monkeys (every Spinneyhead production has at least one monkey). They could have great careers ahead of them holding poles. Damian, as so often before, was transport monkey.

Dave stepped in at the last minute to play Mark, host of the party and Sarah’s ex. Meg and Harry bravely snogged through eight or nine takes whilst Damian talked to the curtains. It’ll all make sense in the final edit.

Now I’m going to spend the afternoon getting footage off the camera and seeing if I can convert it to a format my computer’s happy with. (Otherwise I’ll have to edit using Damian’s Mac, which would be such a chore.)

More photos, including far too many of the cliched sofa shot, in the Venn gallery.

Support the production of Venn. Get your own I [Kong] NY or Certified Independent Idiot apparel, as modelled by Graham.

I [kong] NY

Certified Independent Idiot