Daily archives: August 30, 2008

Tweets today

22:25 Blog: Tweets today tinyurl.com/5oy6dt #

00:25 Blog: Banksy in New Orleans tinyurl.com/5grozk #

13:26 Blog: BOT058 tinyurl.com/6ky8sf #

13:26 Blog: Manchester Zinefest tinyurl.com/565r7s #

20:25 Blog: Cave Creek Chilli Beer tinyurl.com/58uh9p #

21:26 Blog: Smoked beer. Sounds odd, tastes quite nice tinyurl.com/6bm9we #

21:38 Hang the dj! Hang the dj! Hang the dj! Hang the dj! Hang the dj! Hang the dj! Hang the dj! Hang the dj! #

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Smoked beer. Sounds odd, tastes quite nice

I’m falling in love with Trof’s eccentric beer collection.

Manchester Zinefest

Manchester Zinefest, originally uploaded by spinneyhead.

I’m feeling all enthused to produce something physical. Spinneyhead has enough of a history for me to mine.